Snake Game

First code in Python

Main Function -

import pygame 
import numpy as np
import random
import Functions as fun
#inititalizes game 
Score = 0 
display_width = 795
display_height = 1000
random.seed(pygame.time.get_ticks()/100)  #seeding random number generator for printing apple 
gameDisplay = pygame.display.set_mode((display_width,display_height)) # define surface to disoplay 
font = pygame.font.SysFont("freesansbold.ttf", 72)
black = (0,0,0)
# set backgroound color
green = (0,250,0)
#sets green color
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# defines interanal game clock 
crashed = False
case = 'up'
snakearr = [[16,16]]  # the array forwhich grid points the snake exists 
AppleX = random.randint(0,31)
AppleY = random.randint(0,31)
Creates a 3 dimenisonal numpy array such that the 1st plane is for the xcordinates for its 
corresponding location in the display and 2nd plane is for the y cordinates of the pixels that can be displayed
the 3rd plane has a index value for example each corresponding value depicts a certain pixel
if the value is one that means that the corssponding x and y values that are loaction on that position 
on the other planes  
xcordinates = []
ycordinates = []
snakecordinates = [[0] * 32] * 32
for x in range (0,800,25):
     temparray = []
     for y in range(0,800,25):
for x in range (0,800,25):  
     temparray = []
     for y in range(0,800,25):
xycordinates = [xcordinates , ycordinates , snakecordinates ] 
xycordinates = np.array(xycordinates)
creating a 3 dimensional array where the 1 st layer is the y axis and the 2nd layer is x axis 
and the 3 layer is defines the position where objects to be displayed are 
1 is for the segment of the snake
2 is for the head of the snake 
4 is for the apple 
3 denotes that thge snake has intersected itslef and hence will quit 
xycordinates[2][16][16] = 2
# Initializes the head of the snake 
xycordinates[2][AppleY][AppleX] = 4
# Initializes the location of the apple 
while not crashed:       #GAMELOOP 
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:   #check if the we are to close the game display  
            crashed = True         
        if event.type is pygame.KEYDOWN:    # inputs key commands if a key is pressed 
           key = pygame.key.name(event.key)  
            key = 'none'       
    gameDisplay.fill(black)                    #Fills Display with black background 
    fun.basegrid(xycordinates,gameDisplay)   #Dispalys the white pixel grid 
    # Structure for setting for movement case 
    if  key == 'w' and case !='down' :
        case = 'up'
    if key == 'a'and case !='right' :
        case = 'left'   
    if key == 's'and case !='up':
      case = 'down'
    if key == 'd' and case !='left':
       case = 'right'   
# The following lines of code do the following 
# Finds the postion where the element 2 exists in the matrix and returns a list of the cordinates
# After finding the position for the the element
# based on the key input the 2 that is present will be cleared and the adjacent position in the amtrix will be increased by 2      
# Also if there is n elemnt with 2 in the matrix it would lead to a loss 
# The Snake is also depected by an array of the x,y codrinates that the snake is present
# In this array it is append and poped off evertime a apple is eaten        
    poshead = np.where(xycordinates == 2) 
    if (len(poshead[1]) !=  0): 
        if case == 'up'  :
            xycordinates[2][int(poshead[1])][int(poshead[2])] -= 2 
            if (int(poshead[1]) > 0):
                xycordinates[2][int(poshead[1])-1][int(poshead[2])] += 2 
                xycordinates[2][31][int(poshead[2])] += 2 
        if case == 'down'   :
             xycordinates[2][int(poshead[1])][int(poshead[2])] -= 2 
             if (int(poshead[1]) < 31):
                 xycordinates[2][int(poshead[1])+1][int(poshead[2])] += 2 
                xycordinates[2][0][int(poshead[2])] += 2 
        if case == 'left'   :
             xycordinates[2][int(poshead[1])][int(poshead[2])] -= 2 
             if (int(poshead[2]) > 0):
                 xycordinates[2][int(poshead[1])][int(poshead[2]-1)] += 2
                xycordinates[2][int(poshead[1])][31] += 2    
        if case == 'right'   :
             xycordinates[2][int(poshead[1])][int(poshead[2])] -= 2 
             if (int(poshead[2]) < 31):
                 xycordinates[2][int(poshead[1])][int(poshead[2]+1)] += 2
                xycordinates[2][int(poshead[1])][0] += 2 
        crashed = 'True'
# Checks for colison where the head is added to the apple and hence is dentoed by the number 6 in the array
# If there is a colison the location off the colision is set to 2 for snake head and the Apple cordinates are randomized        
# IF there is no colisiohn the we pop of the snake arrray        
    colision =  np.where(xycordinates == 6)
    if len(colision[1]) != 0 :
            xycordinates[2][int(colision[1])][int(colision[2])] -= 4
            AppleX,AppleY =  fun.Set_cordinates(xycordinates)
            xycordinates[2][AppleY][AppleX] = 4
            Score += 1
    elif len(colision[1]) == 0   :
            tail = snakearr.pop(0) 
# The below code will set the values of the snake array in the amatrix to 1            
    if (len(snakearr) > 1):    
            for i in range(0,len(snakearr)):
                x = snakearr[i][0]
                y = snakearr[i][1]
                if (xycordinates[2][x][y] == 0):
                  xycordinates[2][x][y] +=1
                xycordinates[2][tail[0]][tail[1]] = 0   
    fun.Scoredisplay(font,gameDisplay,Score)  #Displays the Score
    fun.Snakehead(xycordinates,gameDisplay)       #Displays the Snake 
    fun.Snake(xycordinates,gameDisplay)       #Displays the Snake 
    fun.Apple(xycordinates,gameDisplay)       #Displays the Apple 
# Functions - 
import pygame 
import numpy as np
import random
black = (0,0,0)
# set backgroound color
green = (0,250,0)
blank = pygame.image.load('Blank.png') 
# imports image for the base white grid 
snakehead = pygame.image.load('Snakehead.png') 
# imports image for the green snake 
snake = pygame.image.load('Snake.png') 
# imports image for the green snake 
apple = pygame.image.load('Apple.png') 
# imports image for the appple red pixels 
display_width = 795
def Set_cordinates(xycordinates):  # Chosses random Cordinates to displaythe apple 
    Y = random.randint(0,31)
    X = random.randint(0,31)
    if (xycordinates[2][Y][X] != 0 ):  #In case random number choosen in the grid are not blank it reacalls the itself 
    return X,Y
The bellow functions are used to display the snake, Appple, Score and grid 
def Snake(xycordinates,gameDisplay): 
    pos = np.where((xycordinates == 1))   
    for i in range(0, len(pos[1])):
        y =  xycordinates[1][int(pos[1][i])][int(pos[2][i])]
        x =  xycordinates[0][int(pos[1][i])][int(pos[2][i])]
def Snakehead(xycordinates,gameDisplay): 
    pos = np.where((xycordinates == 2))   
    for i in range(0, len(pos[1])):
        y =  xycordinates[1][int(pos[1][i])][int(pos[2][i])]
        x =  xycordinates[0][int(pos[1][i])][int(pos[2][i])]
def Apple(xycordinates,gameDisplay): 
    pos = np.where(xycordinates == 4)
    if len(pos[1]) != 0:
        y =  xycordinates[1][int(pos[1])][int(pos[2])]
        x =  xycordinates[0][int(pos[1])][int(pos[2])]
def basegrid(xycordinates,gameDisplay): 
    for x in range (0,800,25):
        for y in range(0,800,25):
def Scoredisplay(font,gameDisplay,Score):
    text = font.render(f'Score {Score}', True, green, black)    
    textRect = text.get_rect()  
    textRect.center = (display_width // 2, 900) 